

Class was cancelled today. I went to the bookstore to get my books and my card didn't work. I was mad. Now I'm trying to get a Bank of America card because they don't charge usage fees since they are an affiliate bank of BNP, a French bank. And it's Jack Bauer's bank. I have class from 8:30-2:30 tomorrow. Still no cell phone, hopefully tomorrow though. And I have to register my housing with the French Consulate tomorrow too.

I watched movies of Jack today and I got sad because the next time I see him he will be a giant baby!

À tout à l'heure!


  1. Where are these so called movies of Jack anyway?

  2. Hey where are the updates?? Alexa arrives and we hear nothing! What's going on in Paris with you two crazy American girls?

    George, Vicki, Colonel Nancy, Mom and Dad

    ps. Uncle Ross is not far away
    Watch out for HIS comments!
